How to Conceive Twins Baby Boy in Urdu

Would you love to give birth to twin babies? Here are the simple steps that could help you to fall pregnant with twins...

Plenty of women grow up dreaming about their future family, envisaging little mini-me daughters and bright-as-a-button boys.

The Shettles Method vows to hold the secret to naturally selecting your unborn baby's gender, with many women swearing that it worked for them when it came to choosing whether they had a baby boy or girl.

But what about when it comes to planning twin babies?

Well, many women swear that the following natural methods helped them to conceive twins, despite the fact that twins didn't run in their family.

How incredible!

So, if you're hoping to have twins, try the below steps to help amp up your chances of having double the trouble!

Aaaaaand if you're expecting twins fear not, because we've rounded up everything you're going to need to know if you're pregnant with twins.

What food should I eat to get pregnant with twin babies?

It's a fact that women who naturally conceive twins tend to live in areas where sweet potatoes/yams are a major part of their diet. Yams are supposed to increase the fertility of a woman and improve the ovulation process as well, thereby increasing the chances of getting twins.

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Are older women more likely to have twins?

According to Huggies, being an older mother tends to make twin babies more likely.

They explain: "It seems to be a twist of nature that just before a woman enters peri-menopause, her ovaries start releasing more than one egg each month. This 'fertility spike' is also influenced by a surge of oestrogen.

"Fertility research has proven that twin pregnancies are much more common in women who are over 35 years. But this only applies to non-identical twins."

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folic acid twins


Does taking more folic acid help me have twins?

The general recommendation for women who are planning to conceive is to start taking folic acid supplements one month before conception.

Are larger women more likely to have twins?

Some researchers claim that women with a BMI of greater than 30 are far more likely to conceive twins than those with a smaller BMI. However, considering a healthy range during the fertile years is 20-25 and 30 would put you into the overweight/obese category, then this is definitely not a healthy recommendation.


Are you hoping for a pair of babies? (Credit: Alamy)

Is the 'twin effect' when you come off birth control a real thing?

OK, so while certain research has indeed found that the chance of having twins is 70 percent more likely in women who conceive three to six months after stopping the pill ,than those who wait more than six months after the pill to get pregnant, it's still unlikely. That 70 percent is still, even with The Twin Effect is just six per 1,000 pregnancies. But, if you're really after double trouble then it can't hurt to up your chances - even if they are relatively slim.

What should my partner eat to increase the chances of a twin pregnancy?

Foods which are high in zinc, such as oysters, green leafy vegetables, seeds, and bread, will help with sperm production - thus increasing his likelihood of being able to fertilise more than one egg.

sex position conceiving twins

Does it matter how you do it?


Are there any sex positions to help me get pregnant with twins?

While there are sex positions that some believe can help sway the gender of a baby (For anyone interested, if your partner ejaculates shallowly into you, rather than right in your cervix, some studies show it may be more likely to help conceive a girl. It's by no means an exact science, but there you are), there aren't really any positions to help with twins. Unless you can invent some sort of position that involves releasing two eggs, or splitting one egg, then you'll have to resort to other methods. Also, that sex position would be pretty crazy, and not in a good way.

Is a twin pregnancy likely if I conceive after another baby?

Yes, research shows that women who have previously had a baby or two have a higher chance of conceiving with twins. Obviously don't get going again until you're completely healed and ready!

breastfeeding twins conceiving

Breastfeeding can make you more likely to conceive twins


If I'm breastfeeding when I conceive, am I more likely to have twins?

It is a fact that women who are producing prolactin and breastfeeding are more likely to conceive with twins.

Am I more likely to have twins if I've had IVF?

It goes without saying that women who go through fertility treatment, such as IVF, are more likely to conceive twins. In fact, for babies born as a result of in vitro fertilisation (IVF), 22 per cent (nearly one in four) births result in twins or triplets.

That's about 20 times higher than the rate after natural conception.

And fertility drugs, such as clomiphene,can also increase the odds that you'll release several eggs at the same time, thereby heightening your chance of conceiving more than one baby.

Between eight per cent and 13 per cent of women who take the fertility drug clomiphene to help them ovulate have a multiple pregnancy, usually twins.

There is, of course, research showing that some people are just more likely to have twins - although, sadly, these are impossible to start doing. Unless you've figured out how to make yourself taller. In which case, congratulations, you're more likely to have twins AND a billionnaire.


It's twice the trouble, but of course they're worth it! (Credit: Getty Images)

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Tall people are more likely to have twins

Yes, strangely enough, it seems that taller women (five foot six inches and upwards) are more likely to conceive twins because of increased insulin.

African-American women are more likely to have twins

If you want to get specific, it seems that Nigerian women are the most likely to have twins, whereas the Japanese are the least likely.

Pregnant with twins

How cute are these two?! (Credit: Getty Images)

Having twins runs in the family

Non-identical twins do tend to be genetic, so if they are common in your family history than you will most likely be more genetically disposed to conceiving them yourself.

If you're a twin, you're more likely to have twins

Are you a twin yourself? Mothers who are twins are more likely to have twin babies of their own.

Are you the parent of twins? Would you like to be? Have you ever tried any of these steps? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

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How to Conceive Twins Baby Boy in Urdu


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