What to Do on First Day of Preschool
Have you been looking for editable first day of school signs lately?
There are many paid options out there, whether on Etsy or other retail stores.
But today I have a treat for you. A set of editable back-to-school signs completely free!

On top of that, you can choose your preferred colors – basic colors, for girls or for boys from two entirely different designs. A chalkboard sign and a paper sign.
You also have an option to simply print out the desired design and fill it out by hand. Or you can do it in an image editing program.
The best part?
I also have matching Last day of school signs for you to customize and use. Make sure to download those as well!
And now, let's get to work.
An make sure to visit All about me worksheets for the first week of school, too!
Option #1: When you need editable back to school sign fast
In case you are in a hurry to get this done as quickly as possible or you simply don't feel like putting extra work into editing these templates, this first option will work great for you.
Simply choose your desired editable back to school sign (the PDF version), print it out and complete it in handwriting.
A few useful tips:
1. When choosing the right colored pen or marker, the easiest way is to go for a color that is already in the design (pink/purple, blue/green, red/blue). It is a safe bet that will make your customizing way quicker.
2. Experiment with different marker tips for different sections to easily blend in your handwriting.
3. Practice on a piece of paper first. Try different letter sizes to see how they'll fit in the design. Adjust accordingly.
For this option, make sure to download the PDFs, not JPEGs!
For this option just click on the download links below.
Free editable first day of school signs PDF

The first day of school signs chalkboard PDF

Option #2: Edit your first day of school signs template using a free online editing tool Canva
UPDATE: I decided to remove the year from the paper design, so you can add it yourself! It makes it easier on all of us, so I hope this allows you to use the designs in the years to come!
Another option is to customize the template with an image editing program. If you already have Photoshop or Illustrator, that's great. I think they are the best options for any image editing needs.
But for those of you who prefer a free image editing tool, there is Canva.
I use it all the time to create images for this website.
But because many people are not familiar with Canva, I finally put together a video tutorial you can easily follow. I hope it will be helpful!
Another option is to use PowerPoint if it is available to you.
For this second option, download the JPEG version of the one design you like.
Here is how to do it.
Click on the image below so it opens up in a new tab, then use right-click to Save image as or the download button in the upper right corner.
Remember where on your computer you saved it!
These might take a few minutes to load, depending on your Internet speed.
Go to www.canva.com and start editing.
Here are the Canva fonts that I used in the designs (so you don't spend hours trying to find the right ones):

When you are finished, make sure you download a PDF Print version for the best quality prints.
Last thoughts
I hope these free editable first day of school signs will make the first day of school very special in your family. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with these.
If you have a spare minute, please share these with your mom friends and pin them on Pinterest, please!
A copyright note: These designs are meant for personal use only. You are not allowed to redistribute, alter or copy the designs for other than original purpose without written permission. Thank you for understanding.

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What to Do on First Day of Preschool
Source: https://www.planesandballoons.com/2017/07/03/editable-first-day-of-school-signs/
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