Pa Department of Health Continuing Education Ems


All currently registered EMS Providers in Pennsylvania are required to complete or teach a Department of Health approved CPR course on a biennially basis.  EMS Providers are required to enter the following information directly into their personal electronic record that is contained within the EMS Registry system:  Issue Date, Expiration Date, Course, Training Center Name, Instructor Name and attach an electronic copy of the course card.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of EMS maintains a list of approved CPR Training Courses.  All EMS Providers must complete one of these approved courses:

  • American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons – Emergency Care & Safety Institute Health Care Provider CPR
  • American Heart Association – BLS Provider
  • American Heart Association – BLS Healthcare Provider
  • American Red Cross – Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers
  • American Red Cross – CPR/AED for the Healthcare Provider
  • American Red Cross – CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer
  • American Red Cross – CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer and Healthcare Provider
  • American Safety & Health Institute – Basic Life Support – BLS for Healthcare Providers and Professional Rescuers
  • EMS Safety Services, Inc. – BLS for Healthcare Providers
  • Geisinger CPR Program
  • Military Training Network Resuscitative Medicine and Trauma Program – BLS for Healthcare Providers
  • National Safety Council – Basic Life Support for Health Care & Professional Rescuers
  • Pro CPR LLC – Pro-CPR Healthcare Provider CPR

An EMS Provider is not able to reregister a certification without a record of CPR course completion within the past two years.


Emergency Medical Service Vehicle Operator certification will expire on the same date as the registrants primary EMS certification.  In order to reregister an EMSVO certification, the registrant must complete three continuing education credits if registration is on a 3-year renewal cycle or two continuing education credits if the registration is on a 2-year renewal cycle.  The continuing education credits must be registered as EMSVO approved and are in addition to those imposed upon an EMS provider for registration of an EMS provider certification.

An EMSVO who operates a ground EMS vehicle exclusively for a QRS EMS agency does not have reregistration requirements.


Emergency Medical Responders (EMR) require 16 credits of instruction on a tri-annual basis as approved by the Bureau of EMS.  At least 12 of the credits shall be in clinical patient care and other core education courses as specified in a notice the Bureau publishes in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.  EMR's are required to complete an electronic application within 90 days of their expiration date in order to reregister their certification.  Reregistration is initiated by the EMS Provider by accessing your EMS Registry account.


Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) require 24 credits of instruction on a tri-annual bais as approved by the Bureau of EMS.  At least 18 of the credits shall be in clinical patient care and other core education courses as specified in a notice the Bureau publishes in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.  EMT's are required to complete an electronic application within 90 days of their expiration date in order to reregister their certification.  Reregistration is initiated by the EMS Provider by accessing your EMS Registry account.


AEMT PatchAdvanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMT) require 36 credits of instruction on a bi-annual basis as approved by the Bureau of EMS.  At least 27 of the credits shall be in clinical patient care and other core education courses as specified in a notice the Bureau publishes in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.  AEMT's are required to complete an electronic application within 90 days of their expiration date in order to reregister their certification.  Reregistration is initiated by the EMS Provider by accessing your EMS Registry account.


Paramedic Patch Paramedics require 36 credits of instruction on a bi-annual basis as approved by the Bureau of EMS.   At least 27 of the credits shall be in clinical patient care and other core education courses as specified in a notice the Bureau publishes in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.  Paramedic's are required to complete an electronic application within 90 days of their expiration date in order to reregister their certification.  Reregistration is initiated by the EMS Provider by accessing your EMS Registry account.


PHRN Patch Pre-Hospital Registered Nurse (PHRN) require 36 credits of instruction on a bi-annual basis as approved by the Bureau of EMS.   At least 27 of the credits shall be in clinical patient care and other core education courses as specified in a notice the Bureau publishes in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.  PHRN's are required to complete an electronic application within 90 days of their expiration date in order to reregister their certification.  Reregistration is initiated by the EMS Provider by accessing your EMS Registry account.


PHPE Patch Pre-Hospital Physician Extender (PHPE) require 36 credits of instruction on a bi-annual basis as approved by the Bureau of EMS.   At least 27 of the credits shall be in clinical patient care and other core education courses as specified in a notice the Bureau publishes in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.  PHPE's are required to complete an electronic application within 90 days of their expiration date in order to reregister their certification.  Reregistration is initiated by the EMS Provider by accessing your EMS Registry.  Requires a current Pennsylvania Physician Assistant license.


PHP Patch Pre-Hospital Physician (PHP) require 36 credits of instruction on a bi-annual basis as approved by the Bureau of EMS.   At least 27 of the credits shall be in clinical patient care and other core education courses as specified in a notice the Bureau publishes in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.  PHP's are required to complete an electronic application within 90 days of their expiration date in order to reregister their certification.  Reregistration is initiated by the EMS Provider by accessing your EMS Registry account.

Search for Con-Ed Classes

The Pennsylvania Department of Health EMS provides all the continuing education courses necessary for healthcare professionals to maintain licensure and certification in the state. Participation in Con-ed means a willingness to learn new skills and strengthen your ability to provide patients with the highest level of quality care. Con-ed can be completed in several ways: in-person instruction through an approved con-ed sponsor, online learning courses provided by TRAIN PA or con-ed by endorsement.

View con-ed classes being offered in your area.


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