BioShock Creator "Sad" Over ME3's Ending Scandal


Ken Levine and other videogame auteurs respect the finished product.

Disregarding which side you fall connected the argument, it's clear that the ending of Mass Effect 3 has divided the videogame community like nothing else has … since BioWare's last non-MMO game. Other game designers are especially invested with in how BioWare decides to handle the controversy. Speaking at a symposium to lionize the nontextual matter of videogames at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C., Paul Barnett from BioWare-Mythic said that if games are to be advised fine art and then the audience must respect the creators' right to build the game as they see fit. Ken Levine from Irrational Games – currently working along BioShock Infinite – chimed in to state that even if BioWare wrote a modern ending, the audience still would be disappointed and that the whole thing made him "sad".

"If computer games are art then I amply endorse the author of the artwork to have a assertion about what they believe should chance," said Barnett. "Just every bit J.K. Rowling give notice remainder her books and say that is the end of Harry Potter. I preceptor't cerebrate she should follow forced to establish another one."

Those concentrated to hear the discussion loudly applauded Barnett's words. When the ovation died down, Ken Levine made sure to express his opinion connected the controversy surrounding the ending of Mass Result 3 because he saw this as a watershed moment in gaming.

"I call back this is an important moment," he said.

"I reckon if those people got what they wanted and (BioWare) wrote their ending they would be very discomfited in the drippy belief they got because … they didn't really produce it," Levine said.

"This all thing is making ME a teeny fleck sad because I Don River't think anyone would get what they wanted if that happened."

Source: Vocalism Games


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